Yesterday after Lauren woke up from nap, she spiked a fever which per protocol brings us to the ER. There they determined that her ANC was down to 100, which accompanied by a fever automatically admits us for the night. In the ER they took a nose swab for six of the most common virus’- which came back negative and a blood culture which will be monitored for 48+ hours- nothing back as of yet.

A CBC (counts) were done again this morning which came back at 700. She hasn’t had a fever since last night and she has been taken off the saline drip completely. She is eating and drinking well and they will continue to monitor her urine output. The Dr. had suggested we stay another night to run an additional CBC (counts) in the morning and to make sure the fever is truly gone. So if all went well we thought we would have been released first thing in the morning.

This afternoon there was a slight change of events, after the CBC (counts) this morning they requested a manual differential (count by hand) and the full make up of the red blood cell counts which determined her ANC is actually 0. There are some “recovery cells” identified which means that it should be on the rise. Unfortunately, that also means that we are most likely going to be here for a few days for further monitoring. We were just recently lifted off of our quarantine and immediately visited the play room which Lauren is truly enjoying.

These walls seemed to be all but a distant memory, but we find ourselves comfortably falling into a routine quite quickly.

As always, positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated during this time.

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