And we’re back….Lauren spiked a fever last night and we had to bring her into the ER. Though they were able to bring down the fever with some Tylenol, a bag of bolus and a dose of antibiotics her heart rate was still very high as was her respiratory rate. They requested an X-ray which showed a small matter next to her heart which they believe is just some congestion. With all of that, they suggested we stay overnight to continue to monitor her. At 4am she spiked a fever again and breathing hadn’t gotten any better- actually they heard some wheezing during rounds around 7am. 

They are treating her for pneumonia as they believe the scan showed early signs of such- though it may be just a bad cold she’s fighting. They prefer to be safe than sorry. The nebulizer helped with opening up her lungs to relieve the stress she had with breathing. Additional tests were run at this time for the most common virus’. 

At 12 this afternoon she spiked another fever of 104.7 – they are giving her Tylenol around the clock for that. We were also given the news that she tested positive for RSV so we at least know the source at this point. We will receive the second dose of antibiotics shortly.

She is resting a lot as she has had little to no energy all day and has barely eaten anything. Just recently the fever broke and she is down to 98.9 and heart rate is down to 140. She even had enough energy to color for five minutes or so! 

She has a pretty bad cough still but they’re hoping the fluid (she’s on a continuous drip) will break that up in due time. Duration of our stay will depend on her fever/ heart rate. Hopefully we are out by the weekend. 

As always, positive thoughts are appreciated!

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